Welcome To The Cashiers Office
- Students who are preregistered for an upcoming term or session are expected to confirm/finalize their registration, which includes paying or making arrangements to pay tuition, fees, and other expenses, by the stated deadline.
- Other students are expected to confirm/finalize at the time they register for classes. Even students whose bill is $0 or less must confirm/finalize their registration with the cashier at one of the three campus locations, or by mail, or by fax, or through WeevilNet by the stated deadline.
- Students who do not confirm/finalize by the stated deadline will be dropped from all their classes.
Schedule of Fees Nelnet Tutorial Price Calculator
Information On Finalizing:
- You need to Finalize for Spring 2024 by January 23,2024.
Payment Plan available on November 14,2023.
Spring 2024 Important Dates: | |||||
Last day to enroll online (5th) | Last day to enroll online (20th) | Required down payment | Number of payment | Months of payments | Payments Dates |
Jan 25 | Feb 1 | 25% | 4 | Feb-May | 5th or 20th |
Jan 25 | Feb 8 | 25% | 3 | Feb-April | 5th or 20th |
Jan 25 | Feb 8 | 50% | 3 | Feb-April | 5th or 20th |
NOTE: All down payments and enrollment fees are processed immediately!
Directions for logging into WeevilNet, Finalize your bill, Pay your bill, and Sign up for direct deposit.
- Step 1: On the University of Arkansas at Monticello Web page, scroll down until you see INFROMATION
FOR: which should appear under the image of campus.
- Step 2: On the INFORMATION FOR: link bar, click on the Students link.
- Step 3: You ar now on the Students page with an image of some students sitting on couches.
Scroll down to middle of page untill you see a section titled IT RESOURCES.
- Step 4: Click on the Kelly Green WeevilNet button.
- Step 5: This will take you to the WeevilNet web page where you should see an image of a brick
building and the title "Welcome To WeevilNet." Scroll down the page untill you see
a Dark Green button that says Student Login. Click on the Student Login button.
- Step 6: You should now see a login screen that reads ORACLE PeopleSoft. Login with your WeevilNet
username and password.
- Login information is a follows:
- Username/ User ID should be in all CAPS
- Do not include
- Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox is recommended
- For better compatibility, have only 1 internet tab/window open at a time
- Not sure what your Username and Password is? Click this button to look up your student login credentials
- Step 7: Once logged in, you will see your Student Information portal. Scroll down the page
until you see the FINANCES section.
- Step 8: You should see two links to “bc365游戏 Finalize Bill” and “Click to pay here”.
- To Finalize choose “bc365游戏 Finalize Bill” if you have a zero balance.
- To set up NelNet Payment Plan choose “Click to pay here” to pay your bill. This will send you to the NelNet website. Please see tutorial video if you have problems.
- To set up for Direct Deposit choose “Click to pay here”. This will send you to the NelNet website where you can manage your refunds on the right side tile. Please see tutorial video if you have problems.
- Yes! Students can finalize at any bc365游戏 Cashier Office.
Select The Location Where You Would Like To Finalize:
PO Box 3165
Monticello, AR 71656
1326 Highway 52 W
Crossett, AR 71635
1609 East Ash Street
McGehee, AR 71654
- Payment Methods Include:
- Automatic bank payment (ACH)
- Credit Card/Debit Card
- (An additional service fee will be assessed.)
- Cost to Participate Includes:
- $2 enrollment fee for an immediate full payment
- $25 nonrefundable enrollment fee per agreement
- $30 nonrefundable returned payment fee if a payment is returned
NOTE: All down payments and enrollement fees are processed immediately!
- Please do not assume your balance will automatically be adjusted if financial aid is received or a class is dropped or added.
- You should review your agreement balance online or call the University of Arkansas at Monticello Cashier’s Office at 870.460.1043 to confirm the change.
What You Need To Know As A Student:
(the site works best in Google Chrome, Edge, or Mozilla Firefox), then log-in to your WeevilNet account and choose the "Click to Pay Here" link option to pay your balance. Payment Options - cash, check, or credit/debit card.
- Information on Allowing Pop Ups Can Be Found Here:
How to allow pop-ups in Google Chrome
How to allow pop-ups in Mozilla Firefox
How to allow pop-ups in Microsoft Edge
How to allow pop-ups in Safarri
- First you must login to your WeevilNet account.
- For Schedules:
- Select "Student Center", then click "Other Academics" from the drop down menu, and select "Class Schedule".
- To view your bill online:
- Scroll down to "Finances", click "Account Inquiry", and then click "Charges Due".
- For Schedules:
- If you are commuter student under that age of 60, who takes more than 6 hours at the Monticello campus you will pay a declining balance fee of $125 in the fall and spring semesters.
- This is to be used on campus at our cafeteria, on-campus restaurants, and/or the bc365游戏 bookstore. Any student who withdraws from bc365游戏 prior the start of classes or up to and including three class days, will receive a 100% refund as long as no portion of the balance has been used.
- To access the 1098T statement online you will need your:
- First and Last Name
- Social Security Number (SSN)
- ZIP Code.
- On the "Home page " scroll down to the middle and click "Tax Documents", type University
of Arkansas at Monticello above the blue line in order to search. Choose your school,
and then enter the following:
- First and Last Name
- Social Security Number (SSN)
- ZIP Code.
- For questions related to the 1098T statement or assistance:
- Call ECSI at 866-428-1098
- Visit the ECSI website:
- Make sure your information in WeevilNet is up-to-date.
- Be sure to make changes well before refunds are processed, etc.
- Transcripts cost $10 with a $0 balance. Pay in person or order online!
- Ask us for more information on our payment plans for fall and spring semesters
- Need to update your information in Weevilnet?
- For Current Students
- Current students may update billing and diploma address in WeevilNet.
- For Incoming Students:
- Please complete the Registrar's Office
Change in Student Information Form
- Please complete the Registrar's Office
- For Current Students
Refunds, Tuition, and Fees Breakdown:
Any student who officially withdraws from the University of Arkansas at Monticello during a fall or spring semester is entitled to a refund as follows:
Tuition and Fees:
- Up to and including three class days 100%.
- From the fourth class day through the tenth class day 50%
- The eleventh class day and after NO REFUND
Any student who officially withdraws from the University of Arkansas at Monticello during a summer term is entitled to a refund as follows:
Tuition and Fees:
- Two- to four-week term:
- Prior to start of classes 100%
- After classes have begun NO REFUND
- Five- or six-week term:
- Up to and including two class days 100%
- (From the third class day through the fifth class day 50%
- The sixth class day and after NO REFUND
- Seven and one-half- to nine-week term:
- Prior to start of classes 100%
- Up to and including seven class days 50%
- The eighth class day and after NO REFUND
- Ten- or twelve-week term:
- Prior to start of classes 100%
- Up to and including ten class days 50%
- The eleventh class day and after NO REFUND Dropping Courses/Summer Term
Any student who drops one or more courses and continues to be enrolled at the University during a fall or spring semester shall be entitled to individual course refunds as follows:
Tuition and Fees:
- Up to and including three class days 100%
- The fourth class day and after NO REFUND
Any student who drops one or more courses and continues to be enrolled at the University during a five- or six-week summer term is entitled to individual course refunds as follows:
Tuition and Fees:
- Up to and including two class days 100%
- The third class day and after NO REFUND
Any student who officially withdraws from the University of Arkansas at Monticello during a fall or a spring semester will be entitled to a refund as follows:
Registration, Tuition, and Fees:
- Up to and including three class days: 100%
- From the fourth class day through the tenth class day: 50%
- The eleventh class day and after: No Refund
Any student who officially withdraws from the University of Arkansas at Monticello during a summer session will be entitled to a refund as follows:
Registration, Tuition, and Fees:
- Two to four week sessions:
- Prior to start of classes: 100%
- No refunds after classes have begun
- Five or six week sessions:
- Prior to start of classes and the first class day: 100%
- Up to and including five class day: 50 %
- The sixth class day and after: No Refund
- Seven and one-half to nine week sessions:
- Prior to start of classes: 100%
- Up to and including seven class days: 50%
- The eighth class day and after: No Refund
- Ten or twelve week sessions:
- Prior to start of classes: 100%
- Up to and including ten class days: 50%
- The eleventh class day and after: No Refund
The University of Arkansas at Monticello refund policy is subject to change if required by federal regulation or the University Of Arkansas Board Of Trustees. Appeals of the refund policy must be submitted in writing to the bc365游戏 Executive Council.
The housing/food service contract will be for the period of an academic year (Fall & Spring semesters) unless the contract is only for the Spring semester or Summer I or II terms.
In the event of withdrawal and termination of the contract after occupancy, room and applicable meal charges may be prorated according to the following.
- If withdrawal and/or checkout are prior to the 60th day after the hall opening in the fall or spring semester, the contractee will be responsible for 50% of their current term room and board charges. Additionally, if withdrawal and/or checkout are prior to the 60th day after the hall opening in the fall semester the contractee will be assessed a $400 cancellation fee.
- If withdrawal and/or checkout are on or after the 60th day after the hall opening in the fall or spring semester, the contractee will be responsible for room and board charges for the remainder of the term. Additionally, if withdrawal and/or checkout are on or after the 60th day after the hall opening in the fall semester, the contractee will be assessed a $400 cancellation fee and no refunds or adjustments tocharges will be made.
Please see the most up to date housing contract on the bc365游戏 Residence Life webpage for more details.
Contact Us
Financial Aid Office
Harris Hall, Room 300
Mailing Address:
PO Box 3470
Monticello, AR 71655
Cashier's Office
Meet the cashier's office staff
Harris Hall, Room 205
Mailing Address:
PO Box 3165
Monticello, AR 71656